One of the most stylish and good looking couple of Bollywood, Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna walked hand in hand at DR PK Aggarwal’s daughter’s wedding ceremony. Twinkle Khanna went simple by wearing white chikan suit and diverted the attention towards her lovely emerald drop earrings. Hubby Akshay Kumar complimented wifey Twinkle well by wearing a simple beige kurta. The couple looks very nice.
Dia Mirza who is mostly seen in light colors opted for a change at DR PK Aggarwal’s daughter’s wedding ceremony. Dia wore a rich pink saree and looks ravishing in it.
Bollywood best dancers Shahid Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan came with their respective families for DR PK Aggarwal’s daughter’s wedding ceremony. Shahid came along with father Pankaj Kapoor and step-mother Supriya Pathak. Hrithik Roshan came with his father Rakesh Roshan and mother Pinky Roshan. Absolutely love Pinky’s necklace.
Kapoor sisters Karishma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor attended the recently held wedding ceremony of DR PK Aggarwal’s daughter. While Kareena arrived with beau Saif Ali Khan, mum-to-be Karishma Kapoor looks glowing in simple white churidaar suit.
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