The story revolves around three young, beautiful, smart working girls in a fashion designing company in Mumbai, who get trapped by a lusty colleauge Jaaved Jaffery in a weird situation in which all three have to dance to his tune and to please him in his ways. How they orchestrate their own plan to defeat him and his notorious intentions is the baseline of the movie.
The movie has been directed by debut director Manoj Tiwari and written by Pankaj and Sachin. Presented by Malpix Films for Subhash Ghai’s Mukta Arts Ltd., ‘Hello Darling’ is produced by Ashok Ghai. Other credits include music by Pritam, lyrics by Shabbir Ahmed, Director of Photography Ravi Yadav, Choreographer Remo and Raju Khan.
While its music is set to release on 12th June in Mumbai, ‘Hello Darling’ is expected to come on screens on 9th July 2010.
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