After 'Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani', cine goers were sanguine of a comic encore from director Raj Kumar Santoshi. The able director, though, opted for a volte face, signing on Amitabh Bachchan for his grim opus 'The Outsider,' slated to be canned in New York.
The heartening news, however, is that Santoshi plans to zoom back into the laugh riot genre, come 2011. And what's better, it's gonna be a flick with Ranbir Kapoor in the lead!
Declares Santoshi in a news quote, "After 'Andaz Apna Apna' and 'Ajab..' there has been a huge pressure to complete a hat trick of comedies. The comedy that I will be signing Ranbir for will be nothing remotely close to 'Ajab.., rather it will be an understated and subtle comic subject. I'd say that it will have a new language for comedy. And believe me, it will be nothing like what we've seen already."
Can't wait to guffaw, Santoshi.
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